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Sustainable regional food marketing in German biosphere reserves and other model regions

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Sustainable regional food marketing in German biosphere reserves and other model regions - from grassroots projects to professional organisations von Dipl.-Ing. agr. Armin Kullmann IfLS Frankfurt Mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Herrn Armin Kullmann. *Auszug aus: IFOAM 2007 (Edit): Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Marketing of Organic and Regional Values. Bonn. *The marketing of organic products is viewed as a significant link between production and consumers. Today, organic products are becoming increasingly interchangeable, disconnecting the linkage between producer and consumer and diluting their identity. Takeholders can obviously organize organic production, but in light of continuous growth and the entrance of organic in mainstream markets, it is important to develop new and specific marketing strategies that protect organic product identity, traditional knowledge, and biodiversity, and thus organic farmers and rural communities.