PUDI Details
Baden-Württemberg contaminated site guide
The contaminated site guide ("Kursbuch Altlasten") gives an up-to-date overview of the technical literature on contaminated site management and remediation and informs about the content and status of its application in Baden-Württemberg. In 1988, in its contaminated site manual ("Altlastenhandbuch") the then environmental protection agency of Baden-Württemberg (Landesanstalt für Umweltschutz Baden-Württemberg - LfU) was the first state authority in Germany to describe a method for systematically dealing with contaminated sites, which since then has been applied in Baden-Württemberg. Numerous subsequent guidelines, manuals and practical guides deal with specific technical, legal and organisational issues. Advancing technical and scientific knowledge and changed statutory framework conditions led to these documents no longer being equally relevant and their use can therefore no longer be recommended without qualification. The CD gives an overview of the documents and software of the LUBW (State Environmental Agency of Baden-Württemberg) that are still relevant today and of important documents of the Federal Environmental Agency (Umweltbundesamt), of inter-state working parties, of other federal states and of associations and research establishments. The content of each entry is summarised and assessed with regard to relevance and use. The CD therefore provides an up-to-date status of contaminated site management and remediation and practically links new and old information. Updated indexing thematically connects older and newer documents via links, so that references can still be established, even if the meaning of technical terms has changed over time. Of the 188 documents covered in total, 131 reports are available directly on the CD in pdf format.